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Telehealth: The Advantages of Telemedicine Feb 20th, 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered dramatic changes throughout everyday life — and in the medical community as well. Not only are providers across the country postponing elective procedures, but many are also encouraging people to avoid in-office appointments to reduce their risk of exposure to this highly contagious coronavirus.But what...

Knee Arthritis Jul 6th, 2020

  Introduction Arthritis is a disease of the joints which presents with pain and damage to the joints. There are many types of arthritis with osteoarthritis being the most common. Approximately 23 million people around the globe have some form of arthritis, making it one of the leading causes of...

What is a meniscus tear? Jun 18th, 2020

  Introduction The knee joint is a synovial joint formed by the articulation of the femur, tibia, and patella. It is a hinge joint so it only allows flexion and extension of the knee. The medial and lateral menisci are cartilaginous structures that cover the joint surface of the tibia....

Rotator cuff injuries- What is it and what do we do for it? Jun 10th, 2020

What is the rotator cuff? The rotator cuff of the shoulder corresponds to a group of four muscles and their tendons that wrap around the front, top, and back of the shoulder. These muscles play an integral role in helping us to move our arms around. The four muscles all...

Staying Active in the Age of Covid- 19 May 20th, 2020

The recent era of Covid-19 virus has caused us to rethink and approach all aspects of daily life differently. All around the world, business is being conducted utilizing different techniques, if at all. We are all learning how to be teachers while educating our children utilizing virtual platforms. Board games...